Troubleshoot Server Issues

This page will help you troubleshoot some problems while using the services hosted with us.


Cannot make payment?

Currently we accept Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfers($100 and up only) and Check Payment(USA clients only). You may encounter some trouble with the payment. We recommend you try the following steps to see if the problem can be solved.

  1. Credit Card Payment Failed
  2. PayPal Payment Failed
  3. Bank Transfers

Cannot change payment method?

This article will describe two different types of changing payment methods, one is to change the payment method of an unpaid invoice, and the other is to change the default payment method for this service.

  1. Change the payment method of an unpaid invoice
  2. Change the default payment method of service

Performance and Connections

My server is slow/ freezen?

Please run "tracert ServerIP", "ping ServerIP", "telnet ServerIP Port" on your local computer, and send the screenshot to email

Tips for VPS Usage

To reduce the risk of VPS slowness or freeze, please take the follow measure: When you finish your work on the remote server, please quit RDP session through Start -> Account -> Sign Out, instead of closing the RDP window. That will clear the programs running in the background and release system resource. Or you can restart the server periodically.

Note: If you need your program running, please do not sign out nor restart.

Troubleshooting Server Connection issues via RDP/SSH

There are several different scenarios that might cause server connection failure. In this article, we will troubleshoot the issue step by step. Listed below are the five most common causes.

  • Overdue payment
  • Server status is off
  • Network issue
  • Internal error
  • Incorrect username/password

Windows Servers

Cannot connect to my database remotely via SSMS

  1. Check if TCP/IP is enabled on SQL Server Management console.
  2. Check if SQL port is open on Firewall.
  3. Restart the SQL Server and connect again.
  4. If still cannot connect, please run "tracert ServerIP", "ping ServerIP", "telnet ServerIP SQLPort" on your local computer, and send the screenshot to email

Restrict Settings to Prevent Spams in "MailEnable"

  1. Restrict Relay
  2. Restrict Sender Domain